Financial Trusts

Future Living has the experience and knowledge to manage a trust for your family member suitable to their circumstances and needs. Importantly it means the funds are legally protected.

We can manage large or small sums of money as well as Special Disability Trusts.

As Trustee, we hold funds in accordance with the WA Trustees Act (1962) and follow a prudent investment policy set by the Board and external advisors.

Future Living Trust (Inc) is not a licensed financial provider and does not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence. We recommend that all applicants seek independent advice prior to investment.
Future Living Trust does not provide an indication or undertaking as to the expected performance of any Trust investment.

Property Trusts

Planning and finding suitable accommodation can be challenging. We can support you in making arrangements for your family member to:

  • Remain living in the family home or
  • Live independently in a home of their own.

We can assist you to broadly explore what may be possible for your family member to live independently or in supported accommodation now or in the future.

We can also securely manage a property held in a Trust for the lifetime of your adult child.


Before we knew about Future Living we were anxious about Shelly’s future. We are very grateful and relieved to find such a wonderful organisation that really will provide for her when we can’t.

Leanne, Shelley’s mum, Future Living client

My husband and I have donated to Future Living since 2012. We want to ensure the organisation continues to create a secure future for people with intellectual disability, recognising their individuality and striving to meet their needs.

The Walker Family

The Safe & Secure program combines practical guidance and expert information in one place that helps families navigate complex issues.

Jennifer Dixon, Practice Leader, Moores Legal, Victoria

I really love working with Future Living. It is great to work with such a dedicated team who genuinely care about their clients. Even though my work does not put me in direct contact with clients, the team always makes me feel like the work I do is helping them to provide a better level of much-needed support in the disability community. It is very rewarding for me.

Maureen Murray, Pro-bono supporter, Go Bizzy

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When you need to rely on someone you can trust, you can trust Future Living. Take the first step now and contact us.